
I am still looking for Free Tutorials for my group of seniors who want to learn about computing. 
This is one worth book marking.

This site you can find tutorials on almost every basic function for the novice users. It has eMail, including how to use Gmail, and a section labeled Email 101. There are several categories; Internet Basics  ( Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer ) , Windows Basics on Windows 7 and 8.

The technology basics has a section labeled Tech Savvy Tips and Tricks which you will find very useful. Plus, if you’re at all interested in Photos look at the section labeled Image Editing 101 and Digital Photography.

iPad Tips for Photo Streaming and Sharing

If you are one of those Users who keep fighting for storage on your device you can choose to Photo stream those files. When you do send them using   PhotoStream those photos will immediately be sent to your storage on your desktop or Mac. They will stay active for 30 days

If you want to send a bunch of photos to an email address, simply create a Shared Album in Photos. This is a wizard. So follow the steps , choosing the photos to share , typing in the email address,  until you come to the end of this process. It will take a few minutes to arrive at the eMail address, all based on how many photos you’re sending. But they will arrive to the person and open up in iCloud. That user doesn’t need to have an iCloud , it just uses this service.
Try it. Just send a Shared Album to yourself. It’s quite amazing. The person can download those photos too. Which is just an incredible tool for sharing photos from your iPad or your  iPhone?

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