June’s Blogging News
Summer Class Offering –
Fun With Computers
Computer Classes at the
2081 Frontier Trail, Anderson ,
CA 365 3254
Beginning Wednesday
in June at 10:30am till noon an exciting new class and approach to learning
about computing will be offered by Cathy Calderone.
Students should
have basic ability to ; Use a mouse, get on the Internet
Cathy Caderone |
Program: This will
by a fun oriented class learning about Free game programs, some cool and
informative websites, On-line games , creating and solving jigsaw puzzles.
You will be
introduced to new ideas that will stimulate
your imagination and entertain you with new outlook on computing.
Class Format is
Walk-In. Hope to see you there
Find that Photo. Merge all your photos and videos with Google's New PHOTO APP
That was our challenge this week.
What tool can we use that would enable
us to quickly find that photo we swore we could find anytime in the future
somewhere, but what device ??
A) Your
old smartphone , B) Your computer C) Still on the memory card in the
D) A hard drive in your desk drawer E) On some cloud service F) None of the above
D) A hard drive in your desk drawer E) On some cloud service F) None of the above
Personally I have both Apple
and Google Cloud storage. However, Google’s own just announced “ Photo
app “ for Android, iPhone and the Web can store all of your
photos and videos free of charge. Google Photos is a better choice for all but
serious photographers.
Google’s Photo App for Android, iPhone and the WEB
Watch this You tube video for
a better understanding of the new APP
Here you have unlimited
storage at a high-quality but scaled –down , hopefully not in too destructive a
fashion. However, you can upload at full resolution, and that limit has been
upgraded. The new Assistant can help you organize and move through your
collection of photos and videos. Using adjusters like pinching will help the
view slide into a compact view. Reverse pinching or expanding your pinch you
will reset the view to Years verses Weeks. You can also search by text search.
The Assistant automatically organizes your
files by things like flowers, cars or foods. For example, I typed in Flowers . The program
searched all my files, in the Cloud , on my
device and returned all my photos and videos on the subject flowers.
Create an animation
Choose several photos then choose to create a gif. Create a story, Select a series of photos, pulling location information then add
contextual information and Google’s app
created the transitions , adds some music to complete the movie. All the photo
are searched though your phone ( if
that’s where you started ) , then any devices , Google Drive to find matches.
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