April 2017

April 2017

This class is taught by a Member from the Computer User’s group of Redding  http://cugr.apcug.org.  

Google Maps – Tips and Tricks
From the Geeks On Tour lessons we studied how to use Google Maps. It works on all your devices, including your laptop. From this video you can see demonstrated. You can find Help from the Google Maps website on each instruction. But this video is helpful to see the instruction in action.

Android tips
1.     Directions with multiple waypoints
2.     Share Location or Trip
3.     Find your way back using History
4.     Navigate to location’s Photo
Here’s a Youtube video on using Google Maps
Add a photo
Add a photo from a place's page
1.     Open Google Maps and search for a place.
2.     After you've selected a place, click Add a photo. You might have to scroll down to see this.
3.     A box will appear. Drag the photo that you’d like to upload, or click Choose photos to upload.
·        If you're using Maps in Lite mode, you can't add a photo.
·        You can only add photos for points of interest, like businesses or parks, but not addresses or coordinate

Share your real-time location with others
You can choose who can see where you are and for how long. 
If they have a Google Account
1.     If you haven't already, add their Gmail address to your Google Contacts.
2.     On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google Maps app   and sign in. Learn how to sign in.
3.     Tap the Menu, Share location, People
4.     Choose how long you want to share your location.
5.     Tap Select People.
6.     If you’re asked about your contacts, give Google Maps access.
7.     Choose a person.
8.     Tap Share. The person you chose will see that you shared your location with them.

 Computing for Seniors Tuesdays  
Classes by Instructor  Jane Quinn  Tuesday door is opened at noon, class starts at  12:30pm – 2pm.  These classes are 3-times a month on the on the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Tuesday of every month at 12:30pm. We also meet for lunch every 4th Thursday of the month. To get on that list send an eMail to one4cugr@gmail.com

 Windows 10 and Google will continue through March.
Taught by Ed Beaulac. It’s an open forum on Google and Windows 10. So bring your questions or eMail them to one4cugr@gmail.com. It’s every Thursday from 1pm – 3pm 
Class instruction will cover ;
·       How to Use the Start tiles, the taskbar, and change the appearance of your desktop
·       How to use File Explorer
·       How to setup Accounts
·       How to Use the Windows Photo App
·       How windows 10 works with your Smartphone or other devices.
·       Add Apps or remove them