February 2018

A New Tuesday Class SMARTPHONES 1011st Week in each month starting Feb 6th.  You will learn the basics such as; setting contacts, Google Account, the Home screen, Messaging, Touch Screen, Answering Calls, installing or deleting APPS and using Maps for directions. Bring your device and your questions.
ANDROIDS AND iPHONES FOR SENIORS  2nd, 3rd, and 5th week of the month. GOOGLE. For this class you must be using your device already. And you need to have your eMail and contacts established. We have just completed a 3-week course on Photography using your smartphone’s camera. It entailed; learning features of your smartphone camera, managing photos with Albums and using the cloud for storing and sharing your photos.
  You can always send your questions ahead before class to; one4cugr@gmail.com.   Just as a reminder, we do not meet on the 4th Tuesday.

solving problems in the classroom

This Tuesday Feb 13th, we worked in class on using QuickMemo and Memo from the iPhone.  These APPS are a part of the operating device. You can create documents, grocery lists, make a note, and Capture a screen. 
Also with the text tools, you can change the color, use a pen to draw or put your signature to a note, create a PDF file ( printable document ) and capture a screen image then add text to it.

Print note from QuickMemo APP
There are many choices to SHARE the note to social media, or send it to an eMail account. Plus, you can change the Category  aka Type of note anytime.
The text tools 

This week we solved the riddle of making incoming text messages read aloud. Most users have an alarm or a sound play for incoming activity on their smartphone. The text messaging APP  that comes with your device has a feature that lets you set Messages to be read aloud.  
I have an LG, and the APP to find this setting is in the Verizon package of APPS. It’s name is MESSAGE+
 It is not the Message APP you find on Google.  To set it , click on  Notifications.  Then turn on  Read Incoming Messages


You must be in the message, then press on the date line and you can come up with the menu option to handling your text messages. As you can see you can COPY the TEXT, SHARE with another user, and many more ideas.

Smartphone Apps of the month
Airdrop Share your photos with another smartphone as long as you’re on the same network and both have this APP. Perfect for family sharing or vacation photos
Word Warp- Free APP
How many words can you make with these letters: A E R K R D? Try it out by downloading Word Warp for FREE!

If you love word games, Word Warp will deliver with endless hours of fun. Exercise your brain with countless rounds of challenging word puzzles. Word Warp has NO level blocks, so you can play without buying more lives!

In Word Warp, you are given 6 letters for each round that you may scramble (or "warp"). For each correct word, you will receive 10 points for each letter in the word. Complete all the words in each round to receive an additional bonus of 10 points per word! How many rounds can you complete before it's game over?

Google Duo Just like Facetime or Skype to connect using Video from your phone. You can connect Android phones and Apple phones with this AAPP
Costo Photo APP Put this APP on your phone and you can order prints while you’re shopping at this store
Blog2Print  EASY & AFFORDABLE Our affordable books cost even less now that we’ve reduced our book and extra page prices! The easiest way to make a blog book is now the least expensive way too.

What is the iCloud?
If your photos, videos and contacts, and more are backed up to iCloud they’re safe and accessible from any apple device and most web browsers. To see what’s there , log onto icloud.com and poke around.
Windows Window's 10 Creator update

The Thursday class is studying the enhancements from Windows 10 update. There are many useful and improved tools to work with other devices. I was curious how difficult it would be to pair my laptop with my Bluetooth headset after learning this feature is one of the updates. I have been using my LG  phone headset to pair to my smartphone to listen to radio stations and my music. But never thought to attempt to connect my headset to my computer.
I found it is simple. If I chose to listen to music with my headset   while working on my computer I can.  With the Groove Music App I can listen to all my music.  
To make this work, from Action Center >All Settings> Bluetooth and other devices.  Click the + plus symbol to Add Blue Tooth device. Make sure your device is on and discoverable.
Once you have connected to your Bluetooth device, you can use Music Groove or  File Explorer to play your music.   Here is an example of playing music from File Explorer. Once you choose the music by highlighting it, right click anywhere in that frame to select Cast to device.

Night light feature. This softer light emanating from my monitor is so refreshing to me.  It is the warmer colors lets me star at the monitor longer. Which is great for my spreadsheet input.
Microsoft update addresses these concerns in Creators Update with Night Light (Windows Settings > Night light settings). This feature warms the color temperature of the screen to make it appear more orange than blue. Try it. You will be amazed how reading for a length of time with warmer colors on your screen is life changing.
 You can set Night Light to trigger automatically at sunset until sunrise or manually set the hours. Just be aware that you might want to deactivate this setting if you’re editing photos after sunset. 
Note: Bluetooth with Android phone.
I was able to connect my Android phone to my computer. Use the same process above, and with your Android change your settings to in the Network > Settings>Share and Connect > Media Server to be turned on. Check mark all the files types you want to share. The surprise is your phone access is just your Messages, Music and Photos. It is much like using DLN with your TV. It does not mirror you phone aka an AppleTV or Google Chromcast device. But the bad news is, it reset my computer sound settings. I had to reset them to find my computer speakers.

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