June 2017

Check our Classroom schedule. Summer is approaching and for me even sooner. I won’t have any Tuesday classes in June. But will return in July.

June 2017

This class is taught by a Member from the Computer User’s group of Redding  http://cugr.apcug.org.  
Check our Classroom schedule for the Summer dates

Windows 10 has a major update called Creators Update.
 Before you upgrade you can view the changes on Microsoft’s website. In this article, I touch on a few of the enhancements.
 To actually download the upgrade, you must have a licensed version of Windows 10. Below is the link to that dedicated website to download.
These links will get you to the guide on the changes in this new release and tutorial videos on the new features.
Note: If a Microsoft pop up ad appears, simply click any spot not on the Ad itself to return to the videos
 There are some General overall changes, some are in the System App settings specifically.  There is a new setting for   Pairing Bluetooth accessories and changing permissions for installing Applications. The Start menu’s latest change is called Live Folders.
The tiles are simply short cuts to applications on your computer( appear as 2 icons in 1 tile next to the “e” tile ) . Taking one tile and dropping it onto another tile creates a “Folder” or “new tile “ .   If you have a smartphone or an iPad you have done  the same thing, grouped your Apps into one  folder. When I added Google Apps to my smartphone, all of them came onto my phone in one tile. So I had 5 different Apps in one little square tile. It bugged me because I couldn’t find the App when I needed it. So I dragged that App out of the group and put it by itself on my home screen. I guess Windows 10 thinks this is a feature you want, a method to organize you Apps by grouping them.  
 Another change to the Start panel is the ability to turn off the list of APPS in the left edge. To achieve this, go to the   Settings > Personalization > Start screen.  Here simply choose to Turn Off the App List in Start Menu. Now you will only see the tiles, and not the list of Apps. But you can turn them back on   by clicking   a button on the very far left. The list of Apps will reappear.
There are some changes in the bundled applications, specifically in the Edge Browser. Now you can add several tabs and organize them. It is very similar to Apple’s Safari browser. And you can also purchase and read books in the new version of Edge. A new feature lets you read books aloud.  You will find eBooks in a new section for  EBooks in the Windows Store.  
The Edge browser has changes for Maps. Now you can draw on them.   If you draw points from one location to another on a map you can convert those sketches into distance measurements or text directions. If you’ve ever used Google Maps, you will understand this feature.
The is a new App for 3-D painting or drawing. This is in the Paint App and you can use it to build 3 dimensional objects and artwork.
There are more features to study before jumping into this upgrade. The sites  listed above have  videos and text to read about the various changes you will enjoy when you upgrade. 
Facebook Timeline Issue
This article by Hewie Poplock explains clearly how to control your timeline and posting from people you’re following.
I like to read my Facebook timeline with the most recent items at the top and successive postings in chronological order. Of course, Facebooks interjects with sponsored ads and what appears to be older posts, but have recent replies. Facebook’s default is to show the as “Top Stories” and it determines what those are. Every so often, FB changes my selection back to theirs. I don’t like that.
When I mentioned this to a few friends, they looked at me strangely and I realized that they had no idea of what I was talking about. Here is an explanation of what I mean & how to change the choice.